Thursday, November 08, 2007

MVC (p&p, day 4)

Scott H reaffirms that stand-up comedy skillz are at least as valuable as a liberal arts education, in any industry [see also: Mark Driscoll].

MVC Goodness!!1!
  • Separation of concerns
  • Red/green testability
  • Extensible/pluggable
  • Clean URLs, clean HTML
  • Great integration within ASP.NET
Don't Panic (or perhaps the Kool-Aid)
  • Not Web Forms 4.0; about more choices
  • As simple or as complex as you wish
  • Fundamental in System.Web
  • Plays well with others
"Where does the file live?" It doesn't really exist. The URL/I doesn't point to a physical location.

Everybody wants a friendly, hackable URL/I. It's a user-interface point now.

And now, code.


Just like yesterday, I think watching and listening to a code presentation that I barely understand, or don't understand at all, is improving my skills by osmosis. Better than a book. Every once in a while, I see a problem I recognize from having solved it (poorly) once before...

He keeps coming back to the clean/intuitive URL/I thing, but that's a problem I can totally relate to!

"The problem with XML is not that it's human-readable, but that it's manager-readable."

Holy cow, it's an MVC gradient graphic generator. My head might explode.

This was awesome! What a great start to a probably otherwise challenging day!

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