Friday, November 09, 2007

< 10 of these things are not like the others (p&p, day 5)

The speaker this morning told a funny story about women.

He didn't say anything offensive about women, particularly.

I'm not going to belabor this. But it made me feel several inches tall, and I didn't hear a damn other word he talked about during his hour.

Update: on the bright side...

5 of the aforementioned < 10 are from UW. That's both a good thing, for me, and an even more disproportionate thing for the rest of the world.

It occurs to me that UW is a spectacularly good place for women in IT to work, as evidenced by the fact that we just don't do that. That's why hearing it here was like being ambushed by a grotesque. This fact could be a powerful recruiting tool if I could figure out how to wield it.

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