Wednesday, January 02, 2008

eFECS Technical Architecture Developer Retreat, part 3

11:00 Previous schedule thrown out window.

15:11 I'm mimicking PP's code, but I don't understand it yet.

eFECS Technical Architecture Developer Retreat, part 2

09:39 Scott and Pete are creating an eFECS solution/project/VSS/etc. Sweet deal for me.

09:42 Mocking up a database....

Liveblogging the eFECS Technical Architecture Developer Retreat

08:50: Paul S. will moderate discussion.

08:53: First decision. We'll use whatever Visual Studio 2008's defaults are for things like curly-brace placement.


09:00-10:30 Basics
  • Tech stack
  • Coding standards (see above)
  • Solution structure
  • Service structure
10:30-10:45 Define backlog
10:45-11:45 Hack
11:45-12:00 Debrief
12:00-13:00 Lunch
13:00-13:15 Define backlog
13:15-14:15 Hack
14:15-14:30 Debrief
14:30-14:45 Break
14:45-15:00 Define backlog
15:00-16:00 Hack and/or future planning
16:00-16:30 Debrief & future planning